2024 Qual IT Care Alliance annual conference, “Innovations in Healthcare: Navigating the Digital Frontier.”
HealthEfficient, DCPCA, MACHC and PIPCA invite you to save the date for our 2024 Qual IT Care Alliance annual conference, “Innovations in Healthcare: Navigating the Digital Frontier.” We will hold this conference virtually on November 12-13. Conference topics include advanced data strategies, predictive analytics, AI, UDS+, Health Equity, Social Risk Factor interventions, Cybersecurity and more! The conference is tailored for health center leaders, clinicians, health information technologists, IT professionals and data analysts. The conference is offered at no charge to all staff of our member health centers.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain invaluable insights, stay ahead of the healthcare innovation curve, forge vital connections, and network with your Qual IT Care Alliance peers! Registration details will be available soon.

Qual IT Care Alliance 2023 Conference
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Qual IT Care Alliance 2023 In-Person Conference June 5-6, 2023
Join us in Bethesda, MD! Register for our conference today.
Covid-19 Safety Note: All conference attendees must provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination at the time of registration and adhere to any Maryland/Hyatt Hotel indoor mask mandates and other safety protocols in place at the time of the conference. (If you've attended our prior conferences since the pandemic, you do not need to verify your vaccination status again.)
Speaker Spotlight
Qual IT Care Alliance HCCN is excited to bring you excellent Keynote speakers during our upcoming annual conference June 5-6, 2023. Keynote presentations will focus on health center program priorities during this transitional time post public health emergency.
Angela Powell, MPH, CPH, Director, Office of Health Center Program Monitoring (OHPCM), in the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), part of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will provide a keynote address on Post Public health Emergency (PHE) Considerations for Health Centers, Tuesday, June 6th. Ms. Powell will discuss health center program priorities during this transitional time.
Amelia Bedri, MSHA, Senior Content Engineer, Product Development at the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) will speak during the keynote panel, Monday June 5th, on NCQA Health Equity and Health Equity Plus Standards. Hear how the NCQA accreditation framework can provide the foundation for your health equity efforts through culture, leveraging data, collecting social risk factor and need data, providing resources for patients, building community partnerships, and identifying opportunities to reduce health inequities and improve care.
Dr. Eboni Winford, PhD, MPH, Director of Research and Health Equity, Cherokee Health Systems will be joining Ms. Bedri as a panelist during the keynote panel session NCQA Health Equity and Health Equity Plus Standards. She will speak about her work in obtaining Health Equity Accreditation for her organization, Cherokee Health Systems, and efforts to address health equity through community-based projects and initiatives.
Joe Dunn, Senior Vice President, Public Policy and Research Division and Vacheria Keys, Esq, Director, Regulatory Affairs, NACHC will present on 340B and other pertinent policy topics.
Breakout Session Featured Speakers
Roadmap for Revenue Cycle Success: Best Practices for FQHCs
Tracy Bird, FACMPE, CPC, CPMA, CEMC, CPC-I, President and CEO of Medical Practice Advisors will focus on how an FQHC can operate with maximum operational efficiency, preserve financial security, and keep staff engaged using industry best practices. Participants will have the opportunity to interact and discuss challenges and strategies with their peers.
Health Equity through Pilot, Practice and Policy (Care Coordination, Service Integration, and Health Legislation)
Mary Backley, Dr. Anupama Rao Tate, Dr. Rachel King, Dr. Jenais Miller, Dr. Jessica Weisz
A panel of organizations working within the oral health community will share their experiences with different approaches to increasing access to oral health services for populations in need, with an emphasis on the impact on oral health equity. A children's hospital using a pilot program to implement care coordination to connect patients with dental providers in the community. Community health centers integrating oral health services within the pediatric medical setting. A state oral health coalition advocating and educating on the impact of legislation on population care. Audience members will have an opportunity to ask questions of the panelists through a facilitated discussion following individual presentations.
Building a Post PHE Workforce – Panel Discussion
Jessica Jolly, Brandon L. Jones, Carol Loftur-Thun, Robert Zimmerman
In a post-pandemic environment, workforce challenges are among the top concerns for health center leaders. A panel of workforce development experts will share current workforce trends, promising practices among health centers, and innovative recruitment and retention strategies. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions of panelists through a facilitated discussion following individual presentations.
We thank our sponsors for their generous contributions to help make this event possible! Please be sure to meet the amazing sponsors for this year’s event!
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsor
Friend Sponsor
Qual IT Care Alliance Fall Conference
Converging Patient Engagement, Data, and Health Equity
Monday, October 24, from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM and
Tuesday, October 25, from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
HealthEfficient, DCPCA, MACHC, and PIPCA invite you to register for our next semi-annual Qual IT Care Alliance Conference in Philadelphia, PA at the historic Bellevue Hotel Philadelphia on October 24-25. We've put together a robust agenda (draft) for the conference. Registration is free for all staff at our Qual IT Care Alliance and HealthEfficient health centers. Please be sure to book your room early before the October 3rd deadline.
Take advantage of this opportunity to hear from experts in the field, including Peter Epp of CohnReznick on value-based payment (presenting at our conference for the first time), Dr. Shonna Yin on Bridging Health Literacy and Health Equity, Amy Brisson of Community Link Consulting on leveraging Culture and Employee Wellness to Retain Staff, and Dr. Christine Dehlendorf on reproductive health equity, and more! Our agenda is replete with highly interactive sessions, including on health literacy, health equity, staff retention, UDS+, reproductive health equity, advanced analytics, tele-dentistry, and Social Determinants of Health. Join us for the opportunity to discuss these vital topics in person with your peers from our 45+ member health centers across the country!
Covid-19 Safety Note: All conference attendees must provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination through our verification vendor and adhere to any Philadelphia/Bellevue Hotel indoor mask mandates and other safety protocols in place at the time of the conference. (If you've attended our prior conferences since the pandemic, you do not need to verify your vaccination status again.)
Qual IT 2022 Spring Conference
Please register now!
Qual IT Care Alliance Spring Conference
Be sure to register here before it’s too late! Check out the full agenda here!
Speaker Spotlight
Qual IT Care Alliance HCCN is excited to bring you excellent Keynote speakers during our upcoming, in-person Spring Conference on April 11-12, 2022.
Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, PhD, MHS, RN, Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and faculty at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity will open the conference with a keynote presentation Achieving Equity in Hypertension Outcomes. Dr. Commodore-Mensah will speak about her work in community-oriented primary care and her current work with community health centers, community health workers and the research supporting the American Heart Association-funded LINKED BP Program. She’ll also address these through the lens of health equity and social determinants of health.
Shana O. Ntiri, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor at University of Maryland School of Medicine and Medical Director for Baltimore City Cancer Program will lead the keynote panel, Implicit Bias in Health Care on day two of the conference. Dr. Ntiri will share her insights at the intersection of healthcare disparity and the concepts of implicit bias in healthcare. She’ll also share her leadership in academics, the community and organized medicine as it relates to peeling back the ignorance, indifference and/or hostility toward implicit bias efforts.
Dr. Joseph Ravenell, HealthEfficient Chief Medical and Equity Consultant will moderate a discussion panel with Dr. Ntiri and several of our participating health center CMOs. He’ll also co-lead the Advanced Analytics Breakout Session Mastering the Future: Advanced Analytics for Predicting Risk, Improving Patient Outcomes, and Increasing Health Equity. Dr. Ravenell will discuss the importance of building health equity into advanced analytics from the start.
Raisa Martinez is the Senior Manager of Education & Certified Transcendental Meditation (TM) teacher at THEARC & Heal the Healers Washington DC. She will present on April 11th on Building Resilience: Heal the Healers. Ms. Martinez will speak about the impact on the medical community and the evidence-base for TM, how its practice and use can help build resilience and reduce provider burnout.
We are also excited to bring back Amy Brisson from Community Link Consulting for two of our Operations Breakout sessions. Balancing the Patient Mission with Employee Recruiting and Retention on Monday, April 11th where Ms. Brisson will give attendees an opportunity to participate in a hands-on exercise to assess and create productivity models, job roles and balance with burnout/retention. On Tuesday, April 12th, the At the Table Rather than on the Menu: Payer Contracting and the Future of Value-Based Contracts session will provide attendees with an understanding of basic concepts related to FQHC payer contracting and VBP.
Tamisha McPherson, MPA, Consultant at HealthEfficient and Executive Director/Chief External Affairs and Development Officer, Harlem United also returns to co-lead Piecing Together the Revenue Cycle Puzzle. Participants in this session will learn to tactfully manage accounts receivable, review top denial reasons and potential automation. Additional topics that will be discussed include managing unpaid balances, identifying risks beyond your control and implementing proactive solutions.
Our highly interactive breakout sessions provide the opportunity to hear from your peers that are part of the breakout session panels:
Mastering the Future: Advanced Analytics for Predicting Risk, Improving Patient Outcomes, and Increasing Health Equity
Clinical/Quality Improvement (QI)
Building Resilience: Heal the Healers
Diabetes Prevention and Management Through a Multi-Stakeholder Approach
Oral Health Integration
Health Information Technology (HIT)
Continuity of Operations Planning: Preparing for Cyberattacks and other EHR outages
Strategies for Success: Assessing your EHR
Balancing the Patient Mission with Employee Recruiting and Retention (Operations/Billing)
At the Table Rather than on the Menu: Payer Contracting and the Future of Value-Based Contracts (Operations/Billing)
Piecing Together the Revenue Cycle Puzzle (Operations/Billing)
Please note: All attendees must be fully vaccinated (e.g., at least two shots of the mRNA vaccines) and compliant with any current Baltimore indoor mask mandates at the time of the conference.
Prior to the conference, you’ll receive an email message from CrowdPass Team support@crowdpass.co to upload and submit your proof of vaccination.

Qual IT Spring Conference (Virtual)
HealthEfficient, through its Qual IT Care Alliance project in partnership with DCPCA and MACHC, offers two conferences per year. In light of travel constraints, this spring our conference will be held virtually online. Our agenda is specifically focused on COVID-19 response issues.
Topics for the conference include:
Telehealth: successes and challenges so far
Incorporating patient-generated data into the medical record
Reducing provider burden
HIPAA-compliant Security Risk Assessments
Our popular CMO roundtable
Dr. Daren Anderson from the Weitzman Institute will present on provider burden, and Dr. Julia Skapik, NACHC’s Medical Director for Informatics, will present on patient-generated data.

Network for Oral Health Integration - Learning Session 1 (Virtual)
HealthEfficient will host its first Learning Session for our Network for Oral Health Integration on March 26, 2020. The learning session will be held virtually/online. This project is focused on pediatric oral health, and topics at the session will include an overview of the project, the fundamentals of oral health integration strategies, and approaches to improving oral health literacy for providers and families/caregivers. Dr Alice Horowitz, professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Health, will be presenting and facilitating portions of the session.