Our Committees and Workgroups.
Peer sharing is at the heart of HealthEfficient. HealthEfficient hosts a number of committees and workgroups to enable our health centers to collaborate, share, and learn from each other. These workgroups also provide us with great feedback on how we can best support our health centers in achieving their clinical, operational, and financial goals. Summary information is below, and you can learn more about the scope of each group, meeting schedules, who facilitates, and more in this detailed handout.
Provider Steering Committee
This committee comprises leading providers from our 35+ member health centers, and they help to set the vision and strategy for our network. Topics include approaches to patient engagement and access; provider burden; using HIT to improve quality and population health; and clinical topics like diabetes, hypertension, cancer screening, and Opioid Use.
Open to: All members
Patient Engagement
In this peer workgroup, we explore the best strategies to drive patient engagement, including patient portals, kiosks, wearable devices, text campaigns, and more. We look at technologies and the workflows that need to change to enable effective use of these tools in the health center environment.
Open to: All Members
Our Operations Committee is a long-standing peer sharing group for COOs, Operations Managers, and other practice administrators. Compliance with federal/state requirements, strategies for front desk and call center, customer service are popular topics.
Open to: Full and Participating Members
CMO Roundtable
CMOs face unique challenges in today’s healthcare environment. As productivity demands have rises and documentation moved entirely to the Electronic Health Record, CMOs have had to balance a growing number of competing priorities. This roundtable offers the opportunity to share with their peers the challenges they face and the solutions they’ve found.
Open to: CMOs from all members
Opioid Use Disorder
With the Opioid Crisis ongoing, health centers face obstacles in prevention, screening, treatment, and recovery for those at risk for or having an Opioid Use Disorder. This workgroup enables providers, program directors, and other to share and learn from each other how to address this intractable issue.
Open to: Providers and SUD program directors
Revenue Cycle
Our newest workgroup grew out of our Operations Committee as the Revenue Cycle stakeholders grapple with emerging trends like telehealth, Value Based Payment, and integration of behavioral health services and providers.
Open to: Full and Participating Members
Clinical Quality Improvement
This workgroup identifies and monitors progress on key measures for our largest project, while also developing strategies to adopt promising practices and evidence based interventions to address our project’s clinical areas of focus, including diabetes, hypertension, cancer screening, and Opioid Use. We often bring it outside speakers to share the latest.
Open to: All members’ Providers and QI professionals
The technology landscape is community health centers is always evolving, and that landscape has its own vocabulary, vendors, trends, and stakeholders. In this group, we work with our health centers to navigate the dynamic terrain and successfully and adopt and implement the best technologies.
Open to: All members’ CIOs, IT directors, et al.
Online Learning
HealthEfficient offers an Online Learning Management Platform. Its modules may be related to compliance and standard personnel policies and requirements, or to clinical activities. This peer group enables administrators to share approaches with each other.
Open to: Health Centers’ administrators of our online learning platform